Start a website to promote your writing. It doesn’t have to be amazing—it just needs to be serviceable. Then you get on social media. This can be Tweeting, posting videos, whatever. Get yourself out there. Link all social media accounts to your website.

Then I suggest you start a blog/newsletter—this will give people something to subscribe to. And, hopefully, it will get people coming back to your site.

All of this takes time. Start slowly, and expand when you can (don’t neglect your creative work!). Step by slow step is the way.

Now, you might be asking: Why? You might be shy or hate the idea of promoting yourself. I was/am shy as well, and I did initially recoil at the idea of self-promotion, but there’s a big payoff. An online presence is going to set you apart from many of the other poets you’re competing with for book publication.

If a book publisher sees you with a website, a blog/newsletter, and social media activity, they’re going to be impressed. Essentially, for the publisher, it’s free advertising. You have a following, and your following supports your work.

Again, none of this online stuff needs to be amazing. You just need to get started!